Inside My World...HFireman

A very eclectic and far-ranging blog. A glimpse into my mindset... things I find interesting, provocative and worth thinking about... things visual, things fictional, observations and commentary,... and questions that we need to be asking ourselves. Welcome to my world.

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Living Life on a Need to Know Basis

Have you ever felt like you couldn't hear yourself think? Happens to me everyday. And not just when I am focusing on important things, like the items on my to do list or at work. It happens when self-appointed guardians of  truth fill  my eyes and ears with their take on what is right, true, moral and righteous. It happens when other people try to tell me how to live my life. This phenomena also takes place when I am just trying to relax or enjoy the moment.

Here's how I see it. I have to make the decisions in my life. I am the one who is rewarded when I make the right decisions and I am the one who pays the price when I don't. So it just seems reasonable that I should be the person who decides what I believe to be ethical, just, fair... and what I choose to like or dislike. I am the person who gets to define who I am and what I believe. And when it comes time just to kick back and enjoy myself, I get to decide what things are okay to do, to read, to see and to indulge in. And the flip side of that coin is that if I make a bad choice, I must also take full responsibility for what I have said or done.

So here and now, I declare that I am choosing to live my life on a need to know basis. No one else gets to pick and choose for me what I need to know to get through the day, and emerge at the end of the day still in one piece. That is my absolute inalienable right.


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