Inside My World...HFireman

A very eclectic and far-ranging blog. A glimpse into my mindset... things I find interesting, provocative and worth thinking about... things visual, things fictional, observations and commentary,... and questions that we need to be asking ourselves. Welcome to my world.

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Sunday, April 08, 2018

Inside My World... A Little Later

It is now 2018. I have not posted a blog for nearly six years. So who am I now? What am I doing? Where am I headed?

First off, the world has markedly changed since I posted my last entry in  2012. The world has become far more polarized and contentious. As has our country, under our new President, who is proving to be less than meets the eye. And I have changed significantly. I am now 71. I am retired as is my wife, Marilyn. Mostly by accident, we have landed on our feet financially. But then it is better to lucky than to be just smart and talented and successful.

So I pick my battles. I avoid confrontations when it is perfectly plain that a particular battle is not worth fighting and potentially very expensive. It is actually most pleasant that I can find happiness more often than not, as I move from day to day. I do plan ahead more now. But I live from day to day, doing my best to navigate the pitfalls and challenges  that that confront me. And I do my best to pursue endeavors that make sense.

And I have learned to distinguish between the things I think I would like to possess and the things that I actually need to acquire. Possessing lovely, expensive things means less to me these days than my relationships with the people who are important to me and the quality of my life.

When I figured out how to get back into Blogger, I figured it was time to start writing again. Writing is a great way to sort out what I know and don't fully understand. It is an amazing to explore the world by probing and examining what I see and hear each day. It is an opportunity to rejoin the larger world and perhaps occasionally write something that is meaningful out there. Yes, we are all bombarded daily by television, radio and the news. But if I can make even a small contribution to enabling a few of you out there to better make sense of the crazy, contentious world in which we now live, it is worth it for me to rejoin the world of blogging. I will do my best to inform you, to entertain you and to hopefully enable you to navigate all the conflicting messages which bombard us daily.

I am delighted to be back. So, as Rachel Maddow often says on her broadcasts, watch this spot for worthwhile things.

Kindest regards,

Howard Fireman


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