"And You Started a Blog Because....?"
Some people I know become a bit put off when I talk about my weblog. They sort of roll their eyes and either in what they say or in their body language, they communicate that they really don’t see the point of it. These people have far better things to do with their time and, in their mind, I must be a person who has far too much time on my hands.
Actually, nothing could be farther from the truth. Like most people, I have far too many things to do and not enough time to get everything done. But unlike them, I do see value in putting my ideas out there into the world in my blog.
Sometimes we have to see the world through the eyes of another person to decipher what we see and hear and read. The characters in movie or the plotline of the story can help us to understand something in our own lives. The life experiences of another person may resonate with us so that we can begin to understand something that happened to us. To just know that someone else has gone through what we are going through right now in our own lives is liberating. We begin to understand that what we are having to endure, others have also endured and survived and they have been able to rise above the situation and move on with their lives.
People from all walks of life in every country in the world today are creating blogs and posting to them every day. Every person who has taken the time to create their own weblog presents us with a vision of the world from a very different perspective than our own. They touch our lives. They help us to see beauty and truth, to understand great joy and infinite sadness, to experience piercing pain and exhilarating joy, through their revelations. They affect us and they do not even know when they do.
No matter what we do in our lives, we are going to touch the lives of other people, anyway, whether we are consciously trying to do so or not.. We all need a diversion to help us forget our problems. We all need to be reminded about important events occurring in our world or in our lives. We all need to laugh a lot more than we allow ourselves to do. Ultimately, one can never know how much one has impacted another person's life by an act of kindness or consideration, so it is enough just to do what one can do to help someone else. If someone is simply entertained or amused by what they read or if someone is made to consider an important idea I have presented, I have accomplished something positive.