Inside My World...HFireman

A very eclectic and far-ranging blog. A glimpse into my mindset... things I find interesting, provocative and worth thinking about... things visual, things fictional, observations and commentary,... and questions that we need to be asking ourselves. Welcome to my world.

Location: Houston, Texas, United States

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Distant Islands and Other Places

Bookstores always provide me with an escape from the stresses and tensions of life. I may not even buy anything, but I will wander through the store to see if there is a book somewhere without which I cannot live. And occasionally I will discover a book that stirs up my wanderlust to go out and explore the world.

Yesterday I came across a book titled 501 Must-Visit Islands. I found a table near the window on the second floor of Borders. Without even realizing it, I got lost in the pages of this book for almost 90 minutes. I "travelled" from North America to Africa to the Middle East to the Mediterranean Sea and back again. I set foot in Santorini and Corfu and numerous distant places I had never been to before. In my mind, I noted the places I would like to visit with my wife, Marilyn. I secretly wished I actually had the time and the money to do that.

Having been a few places outside the US, I already have a whetted appetite to travel to distant places in the world. I have been to London, Tokyo, Hong Kong. Each trip abroad was a wonderfully eye-opening adventure. I met people who lived very differently than I do, but with whom I share more similarities than differences. I got to stand on the very spot where Anne Boleyn lost her head and to look down into the crater of the volcano, Kiluea. Pineapple has never tasted sweeter than in Hawaii and hamburger never cooked worse than in Hong Kong. It was the quest for something different and unknown in these places that made the experience so broadening.

Even sitting here now writing this piece, I am carried away to places to which I would like to go or to go again. I do love London. From the getgo I felt right at home there, when I went to visit my daughter and son-in-law. But there are places that are calling for me to come and visit. From down under, Australia calls. From Europe, the vineyards of France call and the wonders of Paris call. From Italy, Pompeii and Herculaneum and Rome and Venice... all are calling me. Israel... Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and Haifa call. Cairo and the Giza Plain and Petra in Jordan are calling to me as well

Theirs are siren calls that take my mind away from the accounting work that I really should be doing. As always, I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. Reluctantly, I must return to the real world of things to do and places to be and expectations to meet. But always lurking somewhere back in my mind is the impulse to stop whatever I happen to be doing, pack a suitcase, get on a plane and go out and see the world, with all it's wonders and splendors.